Saturday, February 14, 2015

Magnetic Field

This is one of those days when I feel like my head is spinning - with things I can share and things I can't.

I started my day by opening up the next adorable installment from the package I received yesterday. Again, I hope the anonymous widower won't mind that I am sharing. It's simply too good not to share. This is what was in the Valentine's Day envelope:

The backs of the little Valentines said this:

The gift that was with the card was a big bag of peppermint patties... which was both shocking and awesome, because THEY ARE MY FAVORITE CANDY. In fact, Rick used to buy them for me all the time. I don't remember ever mentioning this anywhere on the blog, so I find it most intriguing.

The stranger was right, too - I did read old letters from Rick early this morning. Instead of handwritten notes, this time I opted to go back through old emails from him:

By 8:00 am, I was already feeling very loved. But my day obviously continued from there... and instead of getting worse or remaining at the same level of actually got even better...

I felt quite spoiled with affection.

I'm admittedly somewhat shocked by how good the day turned out to be... nice things just seem to be careening into my life. I must be caught in a magnetic field...

I finished my evening with an impromptu and adventurous dinner date with my coworker friend Laura, including beer, laughter, snow, and front door service. As Rick once said to me in his email, he cares about my happiness in this life... so I'm guessing that today at least he'd be pretty pleased. And so ends my first Valentine's Day as a widow... And I think I can sum it up perfectly in 5 words: "Well, that was f*cking great." ;-)

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