Tuesday, December 23, 2014


I've been pondering this quote:

"One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of choking."

I find myself substituting words.

One cannot refuse to move forward just because there is a chance of falling.

One cannot refuse to try just because there is a chance of failing.

One cannot refuse to speak just because there is a chance of being misunderstood.

One cannot refuse to love just because there is a chance of losing.

I could go on. 

Let's live.


  1. It's a wonderful quote. I agree at all.
    When you try to do something, there's always a possibility that you could do it wrong. But this possibility is a part of our whole life. It's a risk we have to take. The only way to do everything right is... to do nothing. If we try, we could fail. But we could also succeed. It's a matter of trials. It's the same old story of the glass with water: is it half full or half empty? It depends on which way you look at it. And you can choose. You can choose to medicate you head before it has been beaten, or give you an opportunity. Aware that no pain, no gain.


Help me feel less alone.